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  3. Business English & Global Mindset: ACTION LEARNING Workshops Expert Inquiry: Improve your questioning technique for successful business

Business English & Global Mindset: ACTION LEARNING Workshops Expert Inquiry: Improve your questioning technique for successful business

Asking powerful questions is the most important business skill! “

Asking the right questions is paramount to business success, and in being able to deliver tangible outcomes. Quite simply, if you fail to ask the right questions you are never going to get the right answers.

This workshop is for anyone who is curious about questions and wants to start asking more powerful questions. This workshop will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to ask better questions in many different business situations.

 "Will I become a billionaire if I am determined to be one and put in all the necessary work required?"

"NO... This is not the right question," 

This is how Justine Musk, the first wife to the Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk responded 

"One of the many qualities that separate self-made billionaires from the rest of us is their ability to ask the right questions."

If you ask the most creative inventors, thinkers, geniuses and businessmen they will tell you that questioning is the cornerstone of creativity.

Questioning is also the most important skill for business. 

Especially in Asian cultures such as Japan, building lasting relationships is the key. 

But don't we develop relationships through conversations? 

AND doesn't our ability to participate in and lead engaging conversation depend on our ability to ask great questions?

Every successful professional (developers, lawyer, marketers, engineers) use high level questions to:




Why develop your ability to craft powerful questions? because questions ...

• Increases motivation to learn

• Improves comprehension and retention

• Encourages creativity and innovation

• Teaches how to think and learn

• Provides a basis for problem solving and decision making.

Great questions also:

• Contribute to learning

• Spark further questions and interest in seeking answers

• Involves critical and creative thinking

• Goes beyond recall of basic information

• Provides challenge but is not too threatening

• Is appropriate to the learning situation and the student

• Builds on prior knowledge and makes connections

• Involves students in reflection and/or planning



At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

Understand the nature and power of questions

Know what is hindering us from asking questions

Know what will enable us to ask good questions

The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” Indira Gandhi"


In 2015 our sponsors www.JapanSolutions.com are providing experienced business workshop facilitators on the following topics:

Business Knowledge, Thinking & Analyzing: Important Business Theories, Methods and Frameworks. What you would learn in an MBA. What you need to know about analyzing, decision making, strategy.

  Business Communications: Negotiation, Presentation, Speaking, Writing Techniques for improving your business writing, speaking and presentation skills. Our Business Communication Workshops develop the confidence you need to ask the “right” questions and deliver your valuable opinions in the “right” way. 

Most Relevant, Recent Trends from Harvard and all the Top Business Schools How Globalization and Global Issues are changing business. What are the most recent articles, research and ideas from around the world. What you need to know about Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility 

Skill & Competencies: Interpersonal, Cross-Cultural, Motivational, Self-Awareness, Leadership What you need to succeed in all your business relationships. How to deal with Ambiguity, Uncertainty and Paradox. We will decide the topic for March 1 very soon, if you have an idea or a special request please let us know about it!      ACTION Learning Workshops for developing global minds, global ambitions & global options BECAUSE Success Takes both Ambition and Action!


apply here   http://www.meetup.com/Business-English/events/221922920/

[2015年08月25日 作成]



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