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  3. Multi-Cultural Team Building: ACTION LEARNING

Multi-Cultural Team Building: ACTION LEARNING

『Multi-Cultural Team Building: ACTION LEARNING』

内容: 多文化チームの育成:アクションラーニング


≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年10月26日(日) 15:00~17:30
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。
プロフィール http://www.tokyobusinessenglish.com/paul-consalvi.html

≪申込≫ otoiawase@kuchikomi.com
タイトルに「ACTION LEARNING Workshops」とご記入ください。
・Meet Up から参加も可能
This Months Theme:

A Comparative Study of Communication Styles among Japanese, Americans, and Chinese:

Toward an Understanding of Inter cultural Friction

Discuss Business Issues in English:

2 Hours of Interactive Learning then relax and enjoy stimulating conversation with Tokyo`s Ambitious Crowd.

Multi-Cultural Team Building Series

In this series, our objective is to introduce the most relevant business theories, models and frameworks in order to:

1- Gain insights into the potential of diversity to increase a team's effectiveness.

2- Identify the factors in our cross-cultural interactions and communication that can either facilitate or hinder the effectiveness of their team.

3- Consider strategies to work in multicultural teams in order to optimize team results.

Read this Important Background information before coming!


According to research done by Carol Kovach of UCLA:

Cross-Cultural Teams are almost NEVER average. Diversity increases creativity and decreases 'groupthink' BUT Poor Communication often leads to failure

On August 24, 2014 we considered the 5 Dysfunctions of Teams as described by Patrick Lencioni and then considered using the High Inquiry and High Advocacy Framework as a strategy to improve a team's chances of becoming a successful team.

The following figure shows the relative productivity of a series of 800 four- to six-member teams as observed by Dr. Carol Kovach at UCLA.

This figure from "Working across cultures" by Martin J. Gannon provides some important insights:

- Teams comprised of all members from a single culture tend to be of average effectiveness.

- There is a wide disparity in the effectiveness of multicultural teams: multicultural teams have the potential to be the most effective teams in organizations, but they also can be the least effective. This is the paradox of multicultural team effectiveness.
地図:東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
[2014年10月14日 作成]



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